Fax Service
Photocopying & Printing
Note: Double-sided copy prices are double the single-sided price.
Homebound Delivery
Free bi-weekly delivery of books, large print books and audiobooks is available for residents within the Milan Public Library’s district who are unable to come to the library due to age, illness or disability. Please call the library at (734) 439-1240 for more information.
Income Tax Forms
Basic federal and state income tax forms and instructions are available at the library beginning in the early months of each calendar year. We also have a book of master forms and are happy to assist with printing forms from websites. Call ahead to see if we have the form you need!
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests
Our FOIA policy and procedures can be found here.
Washtenaw County Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled
We have partnered with the Ann Arbor District Library to bring this service to Washtenaw County residents. The service provides recorded books, players and large print books free of charge to qualified patrons.