Tuesday, April 8, 7-8:30 pm
The Center, 45 Neckel Court
"The best camera is the one you have with you."
We all have sophisticated cameras walking around with us disguised as phones — learn some basic principles of photographic composition, some elements of smartphone cameras that will up your game and some great free apps for photo editing. Presenter is Michael Smith, faculty at Washtenaw Community College Digital Media Arts. Open to teens and adults — let us know you’re coming HERE.
BATH BOMBS! (The Perfect Mother's Day Gift or Gift For Yourself!)
Tuesday, April 29, 7-8 pm
The Center, 45 Neckel Court
Celebrate Mother’s Day (or yourself!) by making a scented bath bomb with Victoria Lord, owner of Paper Street Soap, Tecumseh. Choose from a variety of essential oils, fragrances, colors, blossoms, and more! Space is limited; Register HERE.
LETHAL LUNCHES (Monthly Mystery Book Group)
Wednesday, April 2, 1-2:30 pm at the City Hall Meeting Room
(turn left when you enter the building).
April's title is Serpentine by Jonathan Kellerman. To join the conversation, send an email to
Tuesday, September 23
7-8 pm
The Center, 45 Neckel Court
Canning methods have changed from what we used to think was safe. Learn about the updated recommendations and also about techniques that are now considered downright dangerous with Mary Donaldson, Food Safety Program Educator, Michigan State University Extension. Registration info coming soon!
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