In honor of our library's 90th birthday this month, we've decided we need a mascot and we want your help choosing one!
We have already received so many wonderful suggestions, it is going to be hard to narrow down the choices. The suggestions we have received so far are below. You can lobby for one of these or submit a new one in the library or online here by the end of the month.
We'll close the suggestion form at the end of the day on March 31 and choose a few of the options for you to vote on in April. After we have a winner, we'll start working on a name for the new mascot.
Big Red Apple - The Big Reds and apples are red and we have amazing apples.
The bats in the building that come out at night.
Teddy bear dressed in 1935 clothing
Brown bear because they are so cute and make you want to relax and cuddle up with a good book.
They are cute and loosely book related because of the wood/paper connection.
They are beautiful and they would fit well with the name.
It is a library.
There are a ton of books.
There are a lot of books in the library.
Three books stacked that say Milan Public Library with/without legs and arms.
A talking book.
Open book with colors coming out of it - It shows that books can be full of surprises and many things.
A cartoon book - a library is filled with books!
Booksy - library = books
Bookworms are one of the first animals we think of when referring to a library! Worms are also a key component of our ecosystem and help take in everything we make and recycle it back to the Earth in a beautiful and usable way, much like what we do when we read.
A happy and colorful bookworm: is cute and promotes getting into and enjoying a good book; fun; great decoration potential.
A worm in an apple - that usually signals "reading" when it comes to libraries and can be called a bookworm.
A worm wearing glasses - a worm is a slower moving creature and reading can be a slower, leisurely activity.
Paige (page) the Bookworm or Clover (cover) the Bookworm. Cute and happy. There is already the kid's group Bookworms and the painted bookworm outside the library.
Buddy the bookworm (wearing glasses)
Bookworm Ben because READING!
Bookworm - lives in books.
They love BOOKS!
A giant gummy worm with a book.
Bringing books to life.
the library is quiet and a bunny is quiet.
Reader the Rabbit
named Dewey, cuddly, indoor
They're cute.
Cat dance - because they are really funny.
The "very hungry caterpillar"
Like a caterpillar transforms, reading transforms you.
The birds that stay in the library/city hall when they migrate through Milan.
They stay in the building! They are excited to be there!
A purple crayon because it shows creativity (Harold and the Purple Crayon)
Big red crayon - Crayon is fun and RED.
We're always greeted by the cutest white-haired ladies
A chocolate lab named Milan Max. Friendly, loyal, love learning
A dog detective - Children would love it and it would be nostalgic for adults.
Cute service dog carrying books
Reading dog - everyone loves dogs.
The library is by water.
They're cute.
They're ancient and young but no matter what fierce!
To honor the one that lives across the lake
A Library Lf (elf) - The library shelf elf can take you on an exciting journey. It is always working hard.
Ceiling fan or desk fan - It's unusual. Reading keeps your brain spinning. Knowledge is a fresh breeze in your life.
They are just kind of cute.
Happy flower guy (with a reference drawing including rainbow petals, green body, lighter colored body, white head) - Flowers are pretty and its petals are colorful.
Dandy the Flower - He's a cute little guy that people would love drawing.
Because I like froggys
A reading hippo because it is my favorite animal and I love to read.
I've seen one diving and fishing next to the library at the dam.
With a fun L name. Lemurs are social, intelligent, and curious. Lemurs have the ability to learn to use tools, solve math, and socialize. Similar to our library where we can learn new things and socialize with our community.
Library Lion - based on the book The Library Lion
Lion holding a book - a lion is holding a book and a book is for the library.
I like big cats.
It starts with an L.
Larry the Lizard loves the library.
"Library Lynx" sounds cool.
The Ford factory
A cute monkey because they are so cute.
A fuzzy monster with 3 heads: Fuzzy to be welcoming and soft and 3 heads so it can read 2 books and listen to an audiobook at the same time.
Adventurous, mystical/magical, imaginative (and adorable and literary)
Milan Mouse - adorable, curious, cute
Mouse with a cookie: because the library has mouse holes to find in the kids area. Also one of my favorite books is The Mouse and the Motorcycle.
Mouse with a cookie: Because I see him around the library a lot.
Milan Magical Mouse - fun, could add in lots of magic ideas and surprises
He looks anxious to learn how to read.
They have so many arms! More arms = more books to hold/carry/read.
It has many layers.
It has lots of layers and makes you cry flipping to the last page of your favorite book.
In popular culture, owls are seen as wise and bookish. Plus, OWL could stand for "Our Wonderful Library"
Owls are legendary for their vast intelligence.
Because that would be a hoot.
An owl with small glasses - Owls are seen as wise. They remind me of libraries.
A wise owl - stylized
Owl with big glasses
Owl or Athenian owl - it's a representation of a cultural and learning hub.
An owl reading a book - owls love books.
Otis the Owl - Owls are generally associated with wisdom.
Wilbur the pig - it's consistent with who/where we are.
Mo Willems's Pigeon reading a book because the pigeon is an amazing character, and lots of people recognize him. Also he is adorable.
the library is quiet and a bunny is quiet.
Reader the Rabbit
Race to reading and the Milan racetrack is well known.
Because reading is adventuring!
Indigenous to Michigan and found in every county (much like Melcat), likes to hang in a den eating a variety of snacks (much like MPL staff), and stays up late (probably reading).
It helps you see to read.
Named T-readasaurus Rex
He is on the rug in the library.
Tree for Milan and book for the library
Crooked tree with a book propped below the trunk - Milan is known for the tree!
They are quiet. They live a long time, so they seem wise.
They're pink and white.
They are magical.
I like the sound they make and that animal is closest to flying to the stars.
We practically live in a tundra.